About Leigh

Leigh has spent three decades working with students on college application writing. A lawyer-turned-journalist-turned-English teacher, she’s an expert at developing a narrative to complement and round out a student’s application.

A key to Leigh’s success with teens is having lived in boarding schools most of her life. A teacher raised by teachers, she knows how to help young people see their strengths and articulate them in powerful, persuasive ways, and how to help parents and students find healthy balance in this stressful process. Students in the US and abroad, from public to private to homeschool settings, have benefited from her expertise.

Her straightforward style is grounded in genuine respect for each student she coaches.

Leigh has always been committed to equal access to education, partnering with several nonprofits serving first-generation, immigrant, and refugee/asylee populations. If you fall into these populations and seek assistance, please be in touch. If you are a paying client, please know you are allowing us to continue working to level the playing field.